MAJIC whispers in the margins...
Like breeze air
Old as rome..

as a fractal holographic quivver in the cosm we are made of in and as
days as rivers of moments..mind as light of awareness penetrating unknown language
intuitive research vessel to inknown flowpaths..thought focus dream holder maker flat field rymeing couplets in inputs from self iterations...building blocks in a personalised tarot of meta speak..cross fertiliseing meaning mutations..shapeshifting over and over
glossilelia in controlled parrelel faulty aparatus decoder filter data meat suit...only a drip
at a time
something aboe beyond ..was is will be...rendering story of celluler memery..trauma esculater to guide the way in scapes self discovery
peeks out of mind..impossably compulsive decodeing ...
spacious eternal
possability field of miraculous being at all!
includeing ..
not being too in a narritive we cannot experience
except by...diveing into the black hole..of inevidability..
the ultimate field research..
quality controll
of what you can hold
what slips away as information and energy..

as opposed to the post human de-evolutionary strateguim of technocrat neo liberal corperate govermental nwo
quite enjoying my god kingship mind you..suburban stay at home obsess a holic artist..scribe of the muse..uppity wee worker he is
true story ..hope i can live up to the self spin talk..which is real miopa i promise!
"Im surprised youve never noticed how WELL I AM
He says..yer a fancey feast..a potpourri of potential
Yer my favourite endangered homminid alpha preditor social darwinist weoponised rhetoric jingle...everest!"

New as my pizza fart

MAJIC looks like perception perceiveing consciousness in shapeshifting aesthetic ideologs
Drying by the side of my fridge container fer next winters fire
MAJIC marrys little word thinks with systemic internal macro relations in oh so funny quips..that stretch the labidinal thrust of any cards spic n span ss uniform
School trip to the reserve bank n parliment
(But has a sore tummy today)
Unfurls antigravity technology at a slow pace...while maintaining the advantage of world wide controlled financial collapse n grab.
Begs to be responsabily harnessed for the timeline narritive of enzymic mutation identity augmentation..where male warrior obsoletes the best twin fin mohawk or
Whaleing wool widers
MAJIC furrows to negatropic catastrophie
Crushs in futilitys righteousness..and blackholes of mind paracite
Till zero point yawns the unbounded potent yell in hyperspace rifts echoing in fart blaster gasm for the lenth of a light yeah nebuler...twinkling steller nursery
Idea ancester
Fuck yes
Hell know!
Sir yes sir!
declares itself paramount chief
Moas the lawn..doesnt get paid
Makes suburban good vege garden
Realises its dangerous possability over n over..
And lusts like teen porn rag busty slut butts under matress for a golden age of cinema and clown school..
In a galaxy of far far away

Spins webs around
Simplicity in convoluted mycellium nodal networks..traceing dirt com
Wackin it out..weeds deeds
And maintaining
Holy equalibrium of middle age
With smile..micro drama check list
Great fool archetype..
Purring..being fed.
Absence fond hearts
Bleeding contemporary
Robotic smear tests
And veil fall veils remain
All is well
drawing on that fluid
From my whole
Made from the makeing..
Gravitys rainbow
Being here at all
Good to go
Up in there son!

Who wants ther angel compliant
Toothless hag
No sword fire n cosmic wheel of righteous fury
Gods grandiose subatomic bible smashed absolute fact find slithered in ya componant bio machine..
Angel obsolete by decree of heartless heart stone sour voids
Abandoned neglect poison in cognitive disanance
Will not change will not alter..
As majics majesty..forces fears friend to sirender
Yeald yolks of folk subserviance irrelevant
Mother chaos...a necklace of shrunken heads..
..route old roles reinvention invalids blame
Hobbled attrocity...
Loveing th psycho drama as it is
Galactic research vessel..depth chatge this probable to singuler infinite density...
Absolutist tip points
Cacade cash reserve..
And ease the quantity
Its a plennum of irreduceable
A monster
A redeemer
Its not up to me to judge this greater force
Shadows envelope the high charge particles
Mutogenic fevers accelerate..
The myth..entering..all time lines